Monday, October 4, 2010

35th Day of School Lunch

35th Day of School Lunch

My alarm clock was on the floor, I didn't think anything of it.  I just picked it up and made sure it was set.  Well, little did I know it was now set one hour earlier.  This turned out to be a good thing because when it first went off at  what I thought was 5:45, I just walked and turned it off and went right back to sleep.  When I woke up again the clock said 7:00 am.  I immediately thought I'm late, what a great start to the week. But it was still very dark outside, so I was quit dazed and confused for a minute.  My first thought was, oh wow, we are at that point already when it is totally dark in the morning.  But then I checked my cell phone and I was happy to see that I wasn't late at all. 

We made it out the door on time and as I'm getting in the car my cell phone rings.  It's Mani's teacher, his table was the best on Friday and she promised them a treat.  So of course she just goes to Dunkin Donuts and gets some with sprinkles, how fun.  She asked if Mani can eat them, umm NO.

Quick Quick think, I know I took out two of the Wonder Balls, so I can run back in and put some icing and sprinkles on the one I didn't put in his lunch.  I ask her if she wants me to send something and she say its ok, she will find something prepackaged for him. We hang up and I'm thinking if you didn't know he couldn't eat donuts, what are you going to buy him.

Do I go back inside and fix the Wonder Ball, just in case. If I do we will end  up being late on the only day, since I don't know when, that we are actually on time?  I ask Mani .  He says no mommy it's ok, lets just go.  So we have the talk, if you are not sure you can eat it, then don't. I told him he could eat the Wonder Ball in his lunch, if she got him something he couldn't eat.

I'm stressing, the whole ride to work.  We had two very bad episodes last year.  My poor baby was at school crying his head off because his class won a party and he couldn't eat anything they purchased. Both times they called me and there was no calming him down.  He was so upset and kept saying that he was tired of not being able to eat what the class eats.  They offered him candy and chips and he just turned them down and kept crying. 

The second time they had buttered popcorn at the party.  But luckily the school nurse felt so bad for him, she went to the store and had the lunch room make him some with no butter. I always tell his teachers if they know before hand to tell me.  That way I can send something for him, so he can be like the other kids.  But do they call NOOOOOOOOO, not until my baby is crying.

Thank you God, because I didn't get a call like that today.  She gave him a baseball themed wooden tic tac toe set.  I asked if he was upset he didn't have  a donut and he said he didn't care, YAY.

Ok I got all that out, now back to  lunch--Carrots, GoGo Squeez, Wonder Ball, and soy nut butter and jelly sandwich.


What Can He Eat? said...

Empty Box

Emily said...

Hey there, just a suggestion for you about the surprise school treats. I've always been allergic to nuts, and when I was in school almost every treat we got said "may contain nuts" or "made in a facility that produces nut products" etc etc. So, at the beginning of every school year my mom would give my teacher a box of treats that I could eat (things that came in individual snack packs, like Fruit Gushers or Fruit Roll-ups), and whenever the class got a treat my teacher would have something safe for me on hand. That way, even if the teacher forgets to tell you in advance, your child won't miss out!

What Can He Eat? said...

Hi Emily,

You know I gave the teacher a bag of treats for him last year and at the end of the school year the teacher sent the bag home untouched. So I kind of just wrote it off as a waste of time and didn't even think about it for this year. But duh, new year, new teacher. I'm going to pick up some things to send to school on my trip to Whole Foods today. Thanks for taking time to make the suggestion.