Wednesday, September 1, 2010

13th Day of School Lunch

13th Day of School Lunch

I woke up at 5:00 am but didn't actually get out of bed right away.  Why did I do that?  I really wish I would have just got moving because I forgot that I hadn't prepared Mani's uniform or my clothes last night.  Luckily, I had a pair of pants already ironed for Mani so I just had to iron his polo and my top could have used a once over but of course no time for that.

But I did remember to send an extra juice box to school for Mani because he had to bring in an object that was matter.  So he decided he wanted to bring a liquid, for his example of matter.  I didn't have any water bottles and I doubt I would have sent one any way because I wouldn't want another book bag disaster like the one that wet his assignment book up.  I suspect he hopes the teacher returns the juice box to him and he will sneak and drink it.  Man I wish he had the patience to make sure the water is properly closed so he could take a water bottle to school because he sure would be taking one tomorrow if he drinks that second juice box. 

Anywho, today's lunch has carrots, half an orange, the last lonely marshmallow that was left in the container, grapes, and soy nut butter and strawberry jam on brown rice bread.

I added the pick and silicone cup because he didn't say anything about the picks yesterday.  And to be honest I didn't dare ask because I was afraid of the response I would receive.

I think I'm going to post this on What's for Lunch Wednesday because this is probably the cutest lunch I'm allowed to make.

1 comment:

What Can He Eat? said...

This lunch came home empty, Yay and I forgot to ask about the extra juice box.