Things before I go list

In no particular order, things I would like to do before I go:

1. Take Mani to Hong Kong

2. Take Mani to San Francisco

3. Pass the CPA Exam

4. Adopt or foster a child

5. Take a family photo

6. Learn to sew

7. Learn to knit

8. Visit New York

9. Take a family road trip

10.Visit all 50 States

11. Learn to swim

12. Learn how to apply makeup on myself

13. Buy a DSLR camera and learn how to use it.

14. Do a 365 photo a day

15. Finish the baby scrapbook

16. Finish the school days memory book

17. Take Mani to Disney World

18. Organize and computerize my recipe collection

19. Exercise everyday

20. Eat healthy

21. Start a nonprofit organization to help kids be healthy

22. Build a stock portfolio from all my favorite companies

23. Buy more savings bonds for Mani

24. Learn to dance

25. After # 25 dance at a party

26. Write a book

27. Make a bento every weekday (or school day) for a year  The idea was to do this for Mani, but he's not having it, maybe revise to do for myself.

28. Have a wedding ceremony

29. Learn to ski

30. Learn to rollerblade

40. Fly a kite with Mani

41. Finish the  4   3 books I have started reading but haven't finished.

42. Start a tax and accounting service

43. Go to cooking school

44. Go to school for psychology

45. Have an award winning recipe

46. Take a trip to Mexico

47. Travel to Europe

48. Go on a cruise

49. Visit Canada

50. Walk inside of an igloo

51. See a pyramid

52. Visit the Grand Canyon

53. Learn photoshop

54. Bake a tasty gluten free, egg free, and dairy free bread

55. Make homemade dill pickles

56. Find the bright side of every situation.

57.  Give more hugs and kisses.