Thursday, November 4, 2010

56th Day of School Lunch

56th Day of School Lunch
Corn pasta, carrots, apple, and mango that didn't want to be shaped into stars.

The last time I sent pasta for Mani, he told me to stop mixing peas into his pasta. 

My response:  But you always eat them when I do put them in the pasta.
His response:  Yeah, but I don't like it, so please stop.

My thoughts: LOL, now is the time for pay back. Mani likes to try and push my buttons and if I'm not specific with the things I tell him.  He will say but you didn't say......  Well buddy, you didn't say anything about other vegetables.

Today, I was going to mix broccoli in with the pasta, but he had a bite of a bad day yesterday. Therefore, I didn't have the heart to do it, so in goes his favorite, raw carrots, on the side.

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