Wednesday, October 6, 2010

37th Day of School Lunch

37th Day of School Lunch
 Today, Mani has celery with soy nut butter, a football pick with raisins, an Aussie Apple, marshmallows, and a soy nut butter and jelly sandwich.  I used a piece of bread for the football cutout and used the edges to make the laces. 

I noticed that when I put apples in Mani's lunch, he really only eats them if they are cut up.  So I thought I would give the Aussie Apple that I saw on Melissa's site Another Lunch a try.  I think the rubber band she used is thicker and stronger then the one I used. But I didn't have another one small enough for the apple.  Hopefully, it will be fine until lunch.

I had lettuce around the sandwich, however, Mani saw it and promptly took it out and asked for marshmallows.  I told him he was messing up my design and he said I only need the football field. 

When I ask him for input on his lunch, I usually get the same response, I don't care.  Now today he wants to provide unsolicited input. Hey buddy,who's lunch is this anyway? Oh that's right it's yours, lol.  But really I'm happy to see him take an interest in his lunch, I hope the trend continues.

I posted this lunch on   What's for Lunch Wednesday, week 19.


Bar 7 Ranch said...

That is great!! I love the goal posts!!! Wish I could have found some for the football bento I made recently!

What Can He Eat? said...

Thanks, I actually found these a couple of years ago in the $1 section at target.

AVM said...

The football is adorable!

What Can He Eat? said...

Thanks, my son must have liked it too because he ate the football and left half of the sandwich.